A guide to successful poetry

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Poetry is not a power of delivery but the power of expression. If you think you can give a push to your thoughts in the form of poetry, the following article will help you.

What is poetry?

                   Poetry is an encouragement of imaginative consciousness or expression of intense response to particular or mixed emotion/emotions with the tools of sound, arrangement, meter and rhythm.

Who can write a poem?

                   Anybody can write a poem.

                   Poetry is not an expression of language, but extensively a language by itself. Anybody with the sense of response and imagination can write poetry. The five other senses are failures in front of poetry. The great poet John Milton was blind, David Christopher Miedzianik was autistic and the most known father Shakespeare suffered from dyslexia. Though the sense of observation makes the poem rich, the sense of imagination gives it life. So if you wish to write a poem and puzzled how to start, you are reading the right article.

How to start?

                   On the top of your aspiration to write a successful poem, you need to know the fundamentals of poetry.

1. Find a place to sit

                   Find an amicable and comfortable place for yourself. Have a note and a pen or you can use mobile notepads or laptops as you wish. You need not stick to the traditional methods as the pen or mobile has nothing to do with your imagination. A coffee and snacks may help.

2. Unlearn

                   Learn to forget things that have been taught to you ever since your birth. Forget you are Richard or Harry. Consider yourself a part of nature that is bound by honour to appreciate the fellow nature. The fellow nature includes the fellow humans.

3. Love

                   A lover becomes the best poet. As many beginners would prefer to write poem on their love life, teaching you to love would be nonsense. But learn to love everything around you equally, except your girlfriend (She will be possessive).

4. Define your motive

                   A poem must have a motive. Poetry is like a meditation. Collect your emotions and organize them into a single path and wait for the result. An urge will not be suitably helpful to write a poem. Let your thoughts wander like the branches of a tree but focus your ideas firmer like the trunk of a tree.

5. Pen down your heart

                   Start with whatever that comes to you mind. Do not restrict your mind or the words, because you are not carving on a rock; you can make corrections later.

6. Concentrate on tools

                   Use the tools like rhymes, sounds, alliterations, metaphors and the meter. If the thoughts are pure and abundant they will take in the necessary tools by itself on its way. Do not force it.

7. Structure of the poem

                   A beginner need not worry about the structure or type of the poem. But an amateur can try consolidating the poem into strict types and structures.

8. Sing your poem

                   Do not read it but sing it. Make yourself a tune and go along to organize the poetry into a constrained path.

9. Believe you are a poet

                   Believe yourself as a poet. A poem doesn’t fall into someone who is not a person of poetry. But the hard truth is, everybody is a poet in real. So, unleash the poet inside you

10. Be truthful

                   A poet is never a liar. He may look a liar to those who cannot perceive his thoughts. You need not be truthful to the world, but be truthful to yourself. Be conscious and confident about what you intended to write.

I hope the article was found helpful!

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